
No interface showing in wireshark ubuntu
No interface showing in wireshark ubuntu

To stop the background webserver process, type fg 1 (assuming it is job 1) to bring it to the foreground and then, control-C out. Direct a browser to and, you should see the traffic and the index.html page.Ħ. Launch Wireshark as root (in Ubuntu, it is in "Applications->Internet->Wireshark (as root)") and, start it on the tap0 interface. If the tap0 address is wrong, or you changed the addresses in step 2, you now have to reconfigure the tap0 address to correspond If you modified the addresses in step 2, start it in the background by appending & to the command: Build the webserver with the minimal-net platform:Īnd, run it with administrator privileges. If necessary, change to an unused or more restricted subnet, e.g. Printf("Subnet Mask: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", uip_ipaddr_to_quad(&addr)) If your local network already has 10/8 assignments, you need to look at the addresses in platform/minimal-net/contiki-main.c:

no interface showing in wireshark ubuntu no interface showing in wireshark ubuntu

Bleeding-edge ( ) versions are recommended for the latest 6LoWPAN and RPL-ROLL protocol dissectors.Ģ. Development versions above 1.3.3 have the dissector for 802.15.4 radio packets.

No interface showing in wireshark ubuntu